Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Beauty as a repetitive trait in Life cycle...

Again I'm stimulated in opening a 3rd parallel lane in the track of my recent reflections on Life aspects. It's strange as you cannot talk about one side without dragging the other sides to the discussion.

It always intreagued me when I was young how some perceived a woman as beautiful while others perceive same woman as not beautiful at all...I then realised that Beauty is a very individual perception that depends on a total subjectivity. Many consider Beauty as a big dilemma while in fact Beauty itself always speaks simple language but we sometimes like to apply those mysetrious equations in order to give Beauty certain attractive dimension trying to maintain an appealing concept to avoid slipping in the trap of a boring abyss.

We reflect what we believe in and this translate into what we see...so does Beauty Vs Ugliness works.... As the popular saying :"Beauty lies in the Eye of the Beholder" as it all depend on what the beholder perceive as Beauty or as Ugly...Beauty is a very simple approach that vary from one to another but yet holds more an attitude & a life style than just a visual conceptive image. Its essence consist on how we think of what we see and how what we see affect the way we think...Its a sort of partnership as both ideas depend on each other...I don't like to mistake Beauty with everything that needs to be visualized coz it transform Beauty into rigide images while in fact Beauty can be identified through all human senses without being restricted to only one factor which is Vision.

According to Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and the founder of a religious cult devoted to the idea of reincarnation back then in the 6th century, Beauty means "Cosmos"...For him Beauty is the central explanatory concept we require for understanding pretty much everything & anything. Beauty is the key to the order of the universe. Pythagoras had great interests in Music and made a very impressive discovery then that might sound very banal to us now but in fact it is very astonishing. He said:" A stetched piece of string, when plucked, produces a note. If you get another piece of string exactly half the length of the first and pluck it as well, the two notes will be in harmony"... Together they define what we now call an Octave. The Universe is not just ordered; it has a beautiful order. When we are delighted by musical harmonies we thrill, Pythagoras believed, to the fundamental order of all things.

...To be continued...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Life & Unconditional Love...

Following my previous post on Life and what is related from familiar motions & emotions that might sound to some as repetitive, I would like to aline an unseperable fact that might have nothing to do with what I was talking about but has everything to do with Human Race natural progress which is Love. I couldn't help not to share it over my space since Love (conditional and/or unconditional) is an essential part for any individual during his personal growing up process.
From 7 Habbits of Highly Effective People:
The Laws of Love & the Laws of Life
When we make deposits of unconditional love, when we live the primary laws of love, we encourage others to live primary laws of life. In other words, when we truly love others without condition, without strings, we help them feel secure and safe and validated and affirmed in their essential worth, identity, and integrity. Their natural growth process is encouraged. We make it easier for them to live the laws of life - cooperation, contribution, self discipline, integrity-and to discover and live true to the highest and best within them. We give them the freedom to act on their own inner imperatives rather than react to our conditions and limitations. This does not mean we become permissive or soft. That itself is a massive withdrawel. We council, we plead, we set limits and consequences. But love, regardless.
When we violate the primary laws of love - when we attach strings and conditions to that gift we actually encourage others to violate the primary laws of life. We put them in a reactive, defensive position where they feel they have to prove "I matter as a person, independent of you". In reality, they aren't independent. they are counter-dependent, which is another form of dependency and is at the lowest end of the Maturity Continuum. They become reactive, almost enemy-centered, more concerned about defending their 'rights' and producing evidence of their individuality than they are about proactively listening to and honoring their own inner imperatives. Rebellion is a knot of the heart, not of the mind. The key is to make deposits - constant deposits of Unconditional Love.

Well, I couldn't explain it better if I needed to elaborate same idea and all that cross my mind everytime I read this piece is: "When you shine, you allow people to shine around you"; It's hard but not impossible and we're simply lazy to do it coz it needs courage to face ourselves in order to face others. Everything starts and ends by Us as each one is the center of his/her own Universe. I cannot cut the the reflection without quoting "Coach Carter" in a movie with same name when he said to his team:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure, it is our light, not our darkness that most frighten us. You are playing small does not serve the world, there's nothing enlightened about shrinking, so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were all meant to shine as children do, it's not just in some of us, it's in everyone and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same, as we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others"
...To be continued....

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Life as a repetitive cycle....

I came to read this article (I rather call it reflection) I once published on one of the online communities like a year ago about Life .. and while I was going through the text, I realised that what I reflected a year ago is again happening same timing but in different context..

Is Life a repetitive Cycle????
...Reaching a certain status in life (especially age) requires a lot of effort, patience, experience and above all, Will & Passion. And guys, I admit, it's not an easy job at all.
During the journey so called Life, people tend to form some sord of intellectual barriers and emotional walls as a personal and private self-defence, each according to his/her own understanding and acceptance to his/her own life style based on a strictly individual perception.
Today, I can't help not to adopt a certain attitude of thinking regarding LIFE and whether it's a sort of a one to one game (an action that needs a reaction and vice versa) and how this individuel lives interact together in a non-stop chain around the whole universe, OR LIFE is just a matter of one repetitive cycle for each individuel that start since his/her birth and go around rotating same scenes and sequences and events all along the way till his/her death.
I am one among many who face same riddled question and concerned on the idea of feeling that we became a sort of players in a rehersal of a same play...
December 2004

...Now it got me re-thinking again about how much our Life look like a big encyclopedic book including Volumes..each Volume is made of Chapters...each Chapter envolves Sections...each Section is a matter of Parts...each Part is consumed by Points...each Point form an Idea...each Idea enclose a Meaning and each Meaning include a Concept or a Form of living that is not necessarily the same among everyone...It's hysterical I know, but we all practice and interact in this big sophisticated and complicated WEB (Where Everyone Believe)...

...To be Continued...