Monday, March 30, 2015

a dream inside a dream in a Ludus ...

“You looked younger, whiter, wearing that leather pant, laying on ur stomach near the balcony on a sunny day. I unzip your magnificent fashionable fabric and start playing in that firm white ass .. I keep playing till you roll yourself and cum in your favorite hat and here I scream about my facial protein that you just wasted “ … I open my eyes to find myself rolled in your arms and while being sleepy, I speak :” I had a dream about you” … then I fade back to my hazy space and get hook up inside another bad dream that I scream a big NO and get spin and suffocating … I choke and fold within and cry while my eyes still closed … you hold me and whisper that its ok and let me fall back into the dream loop and I find myself awakened on your fingers playing my Venus… 

Lusting over Ludus ...

All those morning photos exchange, for a mood, for a boost, for a sneak of a naked beat of a chest, of a rib, of an arm and a fashion pick. I smile, I grin and I open my chin to capture the scene at my end and fantasize of our next battle over the Ludus court. I shall warm well my bare fists to slap and bite your ass cheeks to hear your cracking laughs of this ticklish child within. I like to keep your juice on, I won’t wash it off, I won’t run to shower, I will carry it for a day or two , this sticky dry elixir liquid leaving this trace once and for all in my head.

I text you in details how I want to have you, how I want to conquer you without conquering you coz it ain’t a conquest, how I want to be sensual with you, how I wanna glide between your legs, Up back to your Torso, crossing your trimmed chest, friction with your teenager hands, how I want to blend my Caramel shade with your ginger skin. I reveal on how I want you to touch me, how I want you to lust me, how I want you to rub against me till I freckle. I even want you to smile when you read my lips spelling those words. I will gaze at you while you carelessly read a book or napping or just daydreaming over the ceiling. I am lusting annoying you while you being serious. I am lusting smelling you over and over till there is nothing more to smell. I would carry your fermon, your sweat, your cum and let the Candles burn upon our Lust. How Can one sleep when in a state of Lust? I will chase my shadow to exhaust the eternal Lust but I know the later will exhaust me and win that I wouldn’t dare to take a medicine for cure. 

The Ludus, My Ludus ...

The sofa that turned into the arena where there is nothing to conquer but one’s  self. You hear ur fears spelled thru someone else’s tongue and realize they are not fears, they are realms of a parallel life that co-existed next to yours with hundred years of moon difference. No distance can’t crossed bodies solve over the Ludus while sipping the mercury as you get forgotten to be free, you get forgotten to EXIST. In my Ludus, my arm is an extension of someone’s leg. In My Ludus,  someone’s hands can fondle my Venus the way I fondle her and the way I like to fondle her. And when my Ludus becomes better than a hundred KamaSutra proposed position, everyone else should throw the book, liberate and sink in their own imagination instead. You don’t kiss much, comparing to average lovers, you don’t kiss enough and my legacy is a passionate kisser. But, was it annoying? Am not sure, I played along and I was not annoyed nor  distracted from the original skill which is being a connoisseur of touching.  

Am glad that porn industry didn’t spam you. Didn’t spam the sensualist in you, didn’t spam ur sexual brain, didn’t spam ur touches, didn’t spam your facial expressions, and I do love this childish smile of yours when you silently express your joy of the momentum.  We rub our flesh back and forth, we go slow motion, we go fast motion. I allow my arms to scrub against your balls, your inner thighs, your upper legs, against your Spartacus and I moan, I moan… We kiss again, we kiss more this time, you kiss, you kiss again. I speak “So now you kiss? … I wanna play”  .. You: “I told you I kiss more and more gradually” .. we laugh and I continue my rub. We feel easy, we breathe easy, the heart still easy, we don’t rush, we drag, we keep dragging and rubbing  and my face expression change, my moan change, I go mute, I close my eyes so I can see your flesh better, so I can smell you better, so I can bite your nipple better, so I can lick your balls better. We kneel on the Ludus arena as if we gonna dance, but we don’t dance, we kiss, we kiss again, and then I open my eyes and look at you with that post fever and think that this was a hypnotizing act anyone would wanna seek. We lay there and start Whiplashing and the night fade as you sleep over my lap while am dragging my hands over your head.

We Let Go, we become the bird who seize the food, be it a moment, a dream or a simple carnal desire,  we just seize food for our soul, for our spirit…