Wednesday, December 27, 2017

All the women you should have fucked ...

            "Her Animal Beauty", an Original artwork by @alphachanneling

i missed your cum face while thinking of all those women you should have fucked. 
i missed your breathless moan while thinking of that horny red head we saw last night and whom you should have licked.
i missed that sweaty flesh while picturing you eating that fake blond pussy who regretted saying u old n wrinkled while u spanked her fake bums and fucked her from behind. 
i missed that moist feeling while fucking ur face imagining this ride as a multiplied state in a gym class with 6 sided mirrors.  
and certainly i missed that teary eye of joy while feeling sorry for all the women you didn't suck.  
But most of all i couldn't miss on all those orgasm u gave me while i was thinking of all the women who missed getting orgasm-ed by you.