Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Dervish ...

There is so much life in our days .. There is so much Light that we can hold .. There is so much space to carry our body within .. There is so much skies to look at .. There is so much air to breathe .. There is so much beauty to behold .. There is so much freedom to embrace .. There is so much self of ours .. There is so much projection to reality .. There so much flesh than our own .. There is so much heart .. There is so much of Nothing & there is so much of Everything …..

Sidi Bou Said … Tunisia … May 2014 

Photo Courtesy By: Amall Ishak 

Put your Glass Up and make your toast ...

Cheers to Life Cheers to the wind Cheers to the body that carries me Cheers to the Boobs that manifest the body that carries me Cheers to the bike that rolls Cheers to the barefeet Cheers to the Cloth that warm the body that carries the boobs Cheers to the leaves flying in my background Cheers to the Wine Cheers to the Tongue that taste the wine Cheers to the hair Cheers to that head that carries the Hair Cheers to the Smile Cheers to the mouth that smile Cheers to the cheeks that crunch while smiling Cheers to the skies Cheers to looking up to the skies while Cheering Cheers to Life Cheers to Love Cheers to self Cheers to the soul Cheers to the Shaved Skin Cheers to the unshaven skin Cheers to the raw Cheers to the cooked Cheers to the intense Cheers to the pacific Cheers to the beat Cheers to the moan Cheers to the tears Cheers to the fearless Cheers to the fearful Cheers to the Flame Cheers to the fire Cheers to the water Cheers to the grape Cheers to the water & grapes that makes the wine that the Tongue taste and cause the mouth to smile and the cheeks to crunch in and the head looking up to the sky and the wind that blow the leaves and the hair while pedaling and the hands pulls up the glass to cheer for the pleasure that carries us away... Cheers … Just Cheers 

Coffee Thoughts ...

I will not hide my Happiness fearing a jinxing eye. I will not avoid speaking about amazement in my life. I will not claim things nor speak creeps to nurture void gossip. I will spoil, spread & share all the love and warmth within me fearlessly no matter the consequences ... I will smile in your face coz its contagious and it also maintain my wrinkles lifted. I will not give myself hard time even if the world is full of miseries. I will celebrate daily being young, beautiful and Alive. And most of all, I will not give an ear to bad mouths nor elementary mediocre speeches. Yes, am self-content and not afraid to spend time alone. There is nothing more liberating and joyful than wanting you rather than needing you. And NO, I will not hide my cellulite to look good infront of you. 

ثم تنتهي جميع الحروب و معها كل العُقَد ...

حبيبي , عند البحر سأنتظرك كى نقفز بالحياة قفزة الشجاعة ... تذكر أنني سأنتظرك ليلا كي نتخلص من ظلنا المتثاقل بالذكريات ... سأمسك يديك ثم سأقبل شفتيك و لن أغلق عينيي .. و أنت لن تغلق عينيك أيضا ... و قبل أن نسبح بأجسادنا, سنرقص عرايا , سنضحك ضحك هيستيري , ثم نسكت لنكتشف أنه لن يكون هناك فراقا بعد اليوم , لن نجد ما نلوم به أنفسنا أو الأخرين , لن نأذي أحد و لن يستطيع أحد أن يأذينا ... بعد اليوم, و من تلك اللحظة الي الأبد لن تسيطر علينا أي فكرة عن أي قهر محتمل ... حبيبي, عند البحر سأنتظرك كي نقفز و نتحرر و لن نعود بأدراجنا و لن يفتقدنا أحد ... 

Photo Courtesy by: Nermine Said